5. what does visualization of blue-black do to the brain?

visualisation tips for your presentation

Visualizing slides (but a fancy give-and-take for transforming slides total of text into more visual slides) is a large part of my task, but y'all don't need to be a PowerPoint expert to utilise some basic visualization techniques to your presentations. Even minimal changes can make your presentations much more than effective and tin can help people understand your messages meliorate.

Listening to someone present, who is just reading a slide total of text, doesn't add to agreement. It actually distracts, because the audience will finish up reading the text on the slides themselves instead of listening to what the presenter is saying.

On the other hand, slides with less text and more visuals, whether it be graphs, pictures or diagrams can help the audience retain more information, because visuals and speech work paw-in-hand rather than compete for attention in the brain.

It'southward a proven concept we follow at BrightCarbon, and 1 that we oftentimes preach most on our ain weblog. And so, to go you started, here are v simple things that you lot tin practice to make your presentations more visual and more effective.

one) Cut down text on slidesremove text from slides

Bullet-point filled slides take been plaguing audiences since PowerPoint began. Merely they aren't just painfully dull: bullet points are actually ineffective for communicating information to an audience.

So, the easiest way you can apace make your presentation yard times better is by but cutting out some of the text.

The easiest way to cut down text is to starting time interruption it downwards into chunks, and then pause it into cardinal points – so, one short bullet-point per chunk – and and then to get rid of filler words. This will aid you lot accept large paragraphs of text and break them into short and snappy phrases that can fit into text boxes or other shapes.

For example, permit's expect at the following cake of text:

Peonies are my favorite type of bloom. They're pretty to wait at because they come in a range of cute shades of pink. They also smell amazing and make great perfume. Lastly, they are larger than a lot of other flowers and make a gorgeous, lush bouquet.

Instead of filling an entire paragraph, we could break this text into three key points:

  1. Peonies come in range of pink shades
  2. They make great perfume
  3. They brand a gorgeous bouquet

Then, if we go rid of whatever filler, we are left with:

  1. Pink shades
  2. Nifty perfume
  3. Gorgeous bouquet

And voila! Yous have yourself some bullets that are ready to exist fit into shapes. By allowing your text to fit into shapes you gain the ability to organize it in a linear way and then you can animate it on clicks, to stagger the flow of data and tell a more than compelling story.

And then, BEFORE:

bullet point slide

and Afterwards:

If y'all desire to learn more than about how to ditch the bullet points for adept, find out more here.

two) Show locations on mapsMark locations on slides

I've worked on quite a few presentations at this point and I recall it's safe to say most of them include a list of locations at some point. This is because information technology is really common for companies to accept a narrative that includes showing their affect on a national, or global, scale by showing their locations. Often, this is just presented every bit a list of places. But it's a lot more than interesting – and memorable – to show locations on a map.

For instance, if a visitor has opened a couple stores per twelvemonth, in different locations, they could breathing icons representing these stores on a map and accept information such as the year, location or size of store in a box adjacent to the icon.

This is a good way to make the slides illustrate a story about the visitor's growth, in a manner that is piece of cake for the audition to sympathize.

three) Add together color cuesuse colour cues and swatches on your slides

Adding color to slides in an organized way can enable you to manipulate the audience's attention and increase their agreement of your content.

For case, if every element on your slide is blue and then you color one object xanthous, people will empathize that the differently colored object is important or dissimilar in some way.

The aforementioned idea of 'color coding' works when you want the audience to become certain ideas from colors e.g. xanthous and black mean alert; green is positive; crimson is negative.

Go on in mind that these associations are partly based on cultural teachings, so they might non apply if the people you lot are presenting to have a dissimilar cultural understanding of color.

You can also utilise colour to ready a 'mood' for your presentation. For case, if your company is heading a green initiative then using green tones in your presentation volition get in feel more than environmentally friendly. Most brands already apply this theory in their logos and brand guidelines, so standing this idea process in your slides can create fifty-fifty more than cohesion and agreement.

Find out more virtually using color effectively hither.

iv) Use Timelines

use timelines

A great style to organize text-heavy slides that involve dates and events is to divide them into a timeline.

This is similar to the map idea to a higher place, in that it requires a sure blazon of information to be successful, simply if you have dates and information, it's much more effective to meet them organized linearly than in a list of bullet points.

A timeline is a pretty simple element to create on PowerPoint and just involves a line and some evenly aligned and distributed boxes. Create your boxes using the Insert -> Shape functionality, then use the built-in alignment tools to space everything out neatly.

5) Supercede text with labelled imagesreplace text with labels

The final, and arguably almost important, indicate is to become rid of text all together, and supplant it with images.

For case, if you desire to talk about a new production and its features, the all-time way of doing this is to insert an image of the production and just label information technology with key words.

Yous can insert shapes to pin-point areas you'd similar to highlight and then animate them in on clicks then y'all can stagger the rate at which you lot mention each feature, which can assist the audience follow along.

Information technology'due south also useful to accept images of the product being used by customers so that you can show the audience exactly how it volition look and work.

Beingness conceited and adding tons of text or bullet points to your presentations won't practise y'all any favors, considering people will become instantly bored and disengaged while you're presenting, and will start reading what'due south on the screen instead of listening to the important things y'all're maxim.

By applying a couple of easy-to-acquire tips to your next presentation, you can significantly increase its effectiveness and make information technology much more visually appealing. Your audience will stay engaged throughout your presentation and will remember more of the content you are sharing.

Information technology'due south astonishing how much visuals can exercise to improve communication betwixt a presenter and an audition, so just call back that the side by side time you're pasting reams of text into a 25-slide deck: at that place are better ways.

Amy Post

Amy Post is a self-proclaimed PowerPoint wizard and Visualization Consultant at BrightCarbon, an international presentation design agency whose focus is on creating effective sales and training presentations, only also custom eLearning, motion graphics, and infographics. After graduating from Academy of Pennsylvania in 2014, she at present spends most of her days planning her next Disney Earth vacation and too sharing the joys of PowerPoint with others.

Amy Post


Source: https://www.presentation-guru.com/5-easy-visualization-tips-for-more-effective-presentations/

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